Shalom Ministry

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

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May 2010 Ministry Newsletter

Posted by hjdenson on May 7, 2010

Holocaust Visit Was a Moving Experience

clip_image001This year’s visit to the Holocaust Memorial Center in Farmington Hills on April 18 was the best ever. It was an honor and a privilege to be a part of such a wonderful experience. About 120 of us — including our group and a group of Jewish people who joined us — were guided through the facility by two very knowledgeable docents.

After the tour, we moved into the auditorium to listen to our favorite Holocaust survivor, Paula, describe her experience as a young girl in the concentration camps. Her presentation was heartrending as she shared with us what it was like to lose her mother, younger sister and other family members at the hands of the Nazis.

clip_image003Following Paula’s talk, Donna Denson honored her with the presentation of one her original paintings and Sue Miller dedicated a song to her. The Holy Spirit’s presence was strong as our brother Roman Clark then prayed for Paula and the HMC staff. The Jewish members of the audience seemed in awe to hear a black man reaffirm Israel and declare undying love and support for God’s special people. They were visibly touched to see our group stand to sing the Shema and close with the Aaronic blessing in Hebrew. God is indeed moving in a mighty way to bless his Jewish people!

Never Forget

How can one explain a visit to the Holocaust Museum?clip_image002 Our docent described it as a journey. I see it at as a journey that is too incredible for this generation to fathom.

Yes, the Holocaust happened. Through love and grace our Lord saved a remnant of Jewish survivors, one of them, Paula, to remind us to “never forget” the evil of that time. She also encouraged us not to become complacent and clip_image004look the other way when others are being persecuted.

In centuries past, the Lord sent us prophets to warn us about our future. Paula is not a prophet, but her message is one of a watchman to a new generation of Jews and Gentiles who need to beware that, yes, it is possible that another Holocaust can occur.

We thank you Paula for your love, courage and the strength to tell us about your journey. May the Lord keep you on the path of his purpose and as it says in the beautiful song, Shalom Jerusalem: “When Messiah comes to take us home, May His praise be found in you.”

—Sue Miller



Shalom Ministry


Mission Statement:

1. To bring peace to the Jewish people by telling them about the Prince of Peace — Messiah Yeshua.

2. To bring peace, understanding and a closer relationship between the African American and Jewish communities.

3. To build bridges between the Christian churches and the Messianic Jewish community and strengthen the bond of unity within the body of Christian believers.




Please make all
contributions to:

Shalom Ministry
P.O. Box 19695
Detroit, MI    48219

Donna is currently working on a special painting for presentation to the Holocaust Memorial Center. When the painting is completed, the ministry will hold a press conference and present the work personally to the center’s executive director, Mr. Stephen M. Goldman. We will notify you when that is to take place.

We encourage those of you who missed this year’s tour to join us in 2011. Or take time out now to visit the museum on your own.

Other News

Shalom Ministry is partnering with Destiny School of Ministry to provide a two-year college-level program in Messianic Studies.

We have developed a comprehensive curriculum that, we believe, will impact many ministerial candidates and leaders who are attending this unique school of ministry in Roseville. This is a first and an answer to collective prayers to expand our ministry and influence Christian leaders to join us in our efforts to win Jewish people to Jesus and bridge the gap between the Christian and Messianic communities.

This month, I will be attending the Messianic leadership conference in Georgia

I will have an opportunity to interact with high-profile Messianic leaders. I look forward to sharing with them how God is working through Shalom Ministry and congregations Shema Yisrael Aleph and Bet to reach the Jewish people for Yeshua.

Currently looking for office space for the ministry

We are grateful to Calvary Baptist for blessing us for the past several years by providing facilities for our use. The church is now in transition, however, and we need new space as soon as possible.

As you can see, we are about to embark on an exciting new venture! With this expansion of the ministry, we must rely on your continued support, as well as the support of new donors to help us accomplish the tasks ahead. By the way, it’s not too late to receive a print of Donna’s artwork for a donation of $50 or more.

Donna and I intend to continue to work with Paula, who has also expressed concerns about her husband’s health, as well as her own. Please keep her in your prayers. Also, please continue to pray for the salvation of our Jewish friends: Gary and his family, Mrs. Cohen, Moe and Diana, Michelle, Alana, Coby, Rebecca and Ross, Barry, Jonathan, Liz (who grieves the death of her son) and Bella. Please pray for the Holy Spirit’s intervention in their lives and that they will receive Messiah as Savior and Lord.

Until the nets are full,

Rev. John and Donna Denson

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